Nebraska Chapter of the
National Bleeding Disorders Foundation
About Nebraska Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation
The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) Nebraska Chapter is dedicated to finding cures for inheritable blood disorders and addressing and preventing the complications of these disorders through research, education, and advocacy enabling people and families to thrive.
Programs & Services Offered
Medical research: NBDF funds a broad range of programs and projects addressing bleeding disorders.
Annual Family Education Weekend and Adults with Bleeding Disorders Education Day bring both education and fun for all ages.
Certified Hemophilia Treatment Center at UNMC and Children's Hospital provides comprehensive care.
Nebraska Chapter Financial Assistance Program exists to improve the quality of life of individuals and families affected by bleeding disorders.
Parent Information & Networking Group assists families of newly diagnosed children ages 0-12
Family camp brings those with bleeding disorders together for outdoor activities, connection and learning how to safely adventure while living with a bleeding disorder.
Social and networking opportunities connect people with bleeding disorders with others who understand.
Each year, the Nebraska Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation holds a State Advocacy Day. The day offers people with bleeding disorders and their advocates training on how to speak with legislators, and an opportunity for individual visits with members of the state legislature.
Did You Know?
Over 200 people in Nebraska have a hemophilia. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 people have some kind of bleeding disorder including hemophilia, Von Willebrand Disease, a rare factor disorder and more.
In Nebraska, there are 2,450 people affected by a bleeding disorder, including those affected, family members and caregivers.
1 in 5,000 males are estimated to have hemophilia at birth.
VonWillebrands affects an estimated 1% of the population.
You Can Help
$10 can help procure supplies for a child to learn how to self infuse at educational events.
$25 provides one family a gas card to travel from a rural community to visit their Hematologist at the Omaha Hemophilia Treatment Center.
$100 helps support the Teen Council and Outreach.
$125 helps support Family Camp, where families participate in traditional camp activities, such as canoeing, hiking, archery, water slides, zip lines as well as an infusion clinic for youth with bleeding disorders, all with the supervision and guidance of trained nurses and staff. They also receive updated information about new trends in treatment and services for families impacted by bleeding disorders.
$250 covers the cost of attendance for one individual to our family education weekend.
Dollars at Work
12 young men learned how to self infuse and continued to hone their skills, leading to more independence and control over their health.
125 people attended our family education weekend, some for the first time, where they were able to receive education and support for living with a bleeding disorder.
278 adults and youth attended educational programming provided by NENBDF. These programs provide vital assistance in the management of bleeding disorders.
More than 75 families were served through the expansion of enhanced programming opportunities to underserved populations such as women, teens, and those in our rural areas.
Over $7,000 in travel grants and financial assistance was awarded to help community members attend Washington Days and NBDF’S annual Bleeding Disorders Conference, as well as clinic or camp.
Over 18 bleeding disorders specific educational opportunities were provided across Nebraska, including: two education weekends, eleven education dinners, and five targeted learning programs focusing on personal advocacy, women who bleed, transition care, and teaching self-infusion.
Financial assistance was offered to families facing financial hardship or needing travel assistance to access their HTC.
Our community was served through virtual programs, education and advocacy while we are unable to connect in person.
Contact Info
402-742-5663 | website | 8031 W. Center Road, Suite 301 Omaha, NE 68124