CHAD (Combined Health Agencies Drive) is a local, donor-designation driven organization that has been the fundraising arm for Nebraska’s premier health agencies since 1972. Valuable contributions empower Nebraskans with access to valuable resources, networks, programs and support for those confronting any number of health diagnoses. Contributions from individuals and organizations during our annual statewide campaign ensure our 24 member agencies are funded on a consistent basis.
Connecting companies and causes to raise funds for Nebraska’s leading health agencies.
CHAD (Combined Health Agencies Drive) raises funds to support our members’ missions. We are relentless in raising awareness and empowering Nebraskans facing chronic disease, disabilities and end-of-life issues. Most importantly, we strive to improve the quality of life for the betterment and health of all here in Nebraska.
What We Do
Promote employee engagement and wellness through workplace partnerships and connect them with health causes they care about.
Engage our volunteers, including Board members and stakeholders, to take action in our communities.
Award Curt Gordon Memorial CHAD Foundation grants to our member agencies every year to fund direct support for health programs whose impact is vital to member agency constituents and the community.
Raise funds for member agencies and grow agency impact so they can:
provide care and support channels for patients, caregivers and families.
fund education, screening, and prevention programs in our communities.
support advocacy and medical research efforts.
Increase the value of dollars designated to our member agencies. Over the past 5 years, every dollar that a donor designated to a CHAD agency led to $.50 - $.80 cents of undesignated dollars going to that agency.
What We've Achieved
Since 1972, CHAD has raised over $63,000,000 for our 23 member health agencies.
Read our privacy policy here.