Nebraska Hospice and Palliative Care Association

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About Nebraska Hospice and Palliative Care Association
Nebraska Hospice and Palliative Care Association is a statewide partnership that exists to improve the quality of life for all Nebraskans who have chronic conditions or are near the end of life and to support the various communities who care for them. Hospice provides care for all ages and includes a team of professionals to provide support: a doctor, nurse, social worker, chaplain (if desired), other specialists as needed and volunteers. Palliative care can be utilized any time during your disease journey when you may need help managing symptoms or need support.

Programs & Services Offered

  • “Find a Hospice” at allows visitors to search for a Nebraska hospice or palliative care provider by county, city, ZIP code or company name or by downloading a list.

  • NHPCA provides handouts and resources to help people determine if they or a loved one are ready for hospice care. NHPCA also provides resources for physicians related to end-of-life care.

  • NHPCA educates state and federal legislators on hospice and palliative care’s vital role in supporting terminally and chronically ill Nebraskans and their families.

  • The annual “Living a Good Life…” Conference features a trade show, education sessions, and awards banquet to provide hospice and palliative care professionals with networking opportunities, continuing education, and recognition for their important work. NHPCA offers several scholarships for hospice and palliative care professionals to attend the conference. This conference is open to anyone with interest in hospice care.

  • Professional workshops and webinars keep Nebraska hospice and palliative care providers updated on topics such as symptom management, bereavement, dementia, family dynamics, regulations, and volunteer programs.

  • The Nebraska End-of-Life Survey Report offers a look at our state’s perceptions on end-of-life issues, such as pain, death, advance directives, and support from family and physicians. The survey has been conducted four times, offering Nebraska the unique opportunity to gauge changes in perceptions over time.

  • The “Hospice lets me be…” outreach campaign focuses on real-life stories to promote hospice benefits, awareness, and connect people with resources.

  • NHPCA places a special focus on bringing awareness to the needs of veterans at the end of life. In partnership with the Department of Veteran Affairs, NHPCA leads the Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership to ensure Nebraska’s veterans near the end of life receive the best care possible. The Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership Annual Workshop and Meeting brings together hospice professionals for education and networking regarding end-of-life care for Nebraska veterans. NHPCA also distributes lapel pins used by hospice providers in inspirational pinning ceremonies that recognize dying veterans.

Did You Know?

  • Every year, more than 10,000 people receive hospice services in Nebraska.

  • According to the 2022 Nebraska End-of-Life Survey Report:

    • 97% of respondents said they have heard of hospice services (2% more than 2017 survey), and 50 % said they have heard of palliative care (increase from 37% in 2017).

    • 89% of respondents said they will need someone to know what they want when they die.

    • 47% of respondents have completed a health care power of attorney (increased from 29% in 2017).

    • 70% of respondents are afraid of dying painfully.

    • 84% of respondents are comfortable with talking about death (increased from 82% in 2017).

You Can Help

  • $10 provides a hospice agency with 100 Palliative Scale worksheets to help Nebraska families determine if their loved ones are ready for hospice care.

  • $25 puts packets on end-of-life care in the waiting rooms of five family practice physicians.

  • $50 gives all Nebraska legislators a copy of the Nebraska End-of-Life Survey Report.

  • $175 provides a scholarship for a hospice professional to attend the “Living a Good Life…at the End of Life” Conference.

  • $250 covers expenses related to airing hospice public service announcements on television stations across the state.

  • $1,500 brings expert training to hospice professionals on managing symptoms of hospice patients.

  • $2,500 brings expert training to hospice professionals on pediatric hospice ensuring all Nebraska children can receive hospice care where they live. 

Dollars at Work

  • Eight opportunities for live and virtual training in the past year including certified hospice and palliative care nurse training, end-of-life training, working together for greater good training, dementia certification training, volunteer workshop, Veteran service training, and regulatory training.

  • Eighty percent of Nebraska hospices participated in the national We Honor Veterans campaign.

  • 430 pins were obtained through the Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership for use in dying veterans’ pinning ceremonies.

  • 24 Outstanding Hospice Volunteers from across the state were identified for their exemplary service.

  • 127 webinars were offered.

  • Nine scholarships to the annual conference were awarded to members.

  • 64 nurses have achieved national hospice and palliative care certification in Nebraska.

  • 27 APRN’s have achieved national hospice and palliative care certification in Nebraska.

  • 11 Nursing Assistants have achieved national hospice and palliative care certification.

  • 125 hospice staff were trained in pediatric hospice care this year.

Contact Info
402-477-0204 | website | 1519 M Street Cozad, NE 69130