Nebraska Kidney Association
About Nebraska Kidney Association
Nebraska Kidney Association has been helping Nebraska kidney and transplant patients for more than 50 years, working to provide education, programs and services, screening opportunities and advocacy for those affected by kidney disease or organ donation.
Programs & Services Offered
Emergency financial aid is available for kidney and transplant patients.
Patient advocacy is in place for Nebraska kidney, urologic and transplant recipients.
Professional education programs are offered, including a Professional Development Conference, where relevant topics are discussed with nurses, techs, social workers and dietitians who then in turn implement these with the patients served. Continuing education hours are also achieved.
Organ and tissue donation information educates donors and potential donors.
Free Kidney Early Detection Screenings are available at locations around the state.
Patient information is accessible through a resource guide located on our website.
Did You Know?
322,401 people in Nebraska are at risk to have kidney disease. This is 16.6% of people in the state. Nationwide, this number is 53 million.
The average cost for a patient on dialysis is $87,000.
Dialysis is a $20.8 billion annual cost of the Medicare ESRD program.
There are 106,951 people on the National Transplant waiting list.
One organ donor can save up to eight lives.
You Can Help
$10 can provide one patient education booklet to a new kidney patient to help them better understand their disease, treatment options available, coping, nutrition and services available through the Nebraska Kidney Association.
$25 will pay for two medical alert jewelry bracelets or necklaces.
$100 can provide groceries for one individual.
$150 can meet the need for an emergency financial assistance request.
Dollars at Work
261 people received emergency financial aid for transportation, food, medicine, utility bills and special needs.
Keepin’ it Renal Professional Development Conference hosted 73 professionals and presenters.
37 people received free medic alert jewelry.
Screenings are being scheduled across the state of Nebraska.
There were 613 emergency assistance grants made in 22-23.
Contact Info
402-932-7200 | website | 212 S 74 Street, 205, Omaha, NE 68144